Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jet setting

Snow is falling in New Beirut while a large black man, football player fer sure, is being beat up in the street by a woman half his size dressed in a tank top and not much else. I suppose I'll have to call the cops to do my civic duty for the day, since I missed my the annual Fire Dept. Santa run this morning.
The day started off with palm trees, an extremely fast 100 mph run down I-95 in an underwhelming rental car at 4 a.m. and a lack of coffee in Florida, a fast flight up the coast back to New Jersey, followed by the AWESOME Cirque du Soleil Wintuk production at Madison Square Garden with the little birthday girl, dinner with same at the Skyline Diner on 34th Street and 9th Ave, and now the snow-driven altercation. More later, as the screams are increasing down on the street.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cheese! I love cheese!

Someone is cooking cabbage, potato's, and used underwear. I know this due to my highly refined sense of smell - I sense Stink when it fills my nose, and this is definitely Stink with an undertone of food. At first I thought it was the garbage container, and next I guessed at a dead cat in the bin. But it's definitely warm and steamy, so someone is attempting to cook. But cooking smells usually don't contain such a high Foul top-note, so my curiosity is as peaked as my olfactory sense is offended. The cabbage/underwear aroma has permeated the entire five story building, from the overheated ground floor hallway to the third floor penthouse that is mine. It's worse in the hallway, but still discernable here at my desk.
The best defense is a good offense. I will now make my famous garlic curry and peanut butter pappadum sauce.