Thursday, October 23, 2008

Deer me

The Delaware and Raritan Canal runs for over 30 miles across the State, ending at the Raritan River in New Brunswick, after running past Kingston/Princeton. It's a State Park now, with the last barge travelling it's waters back in 1932. There is all sorts of nature to be enjoyed along it's banks, even close to the City of New Beirut (as I sometimes refer to New Brunswick, ever since I saw all the shell casings littering the ground from shooting around the corner, and helping the cops track down a fugitive in the parking lot). Sometimes I bike this way to work, since the place I work is also along the banks of the Raritan (albeit in a smaller format 12 miles west of New Beirut). You gotta check out Maike's bike - it was custom painted in Hawaii.

We made it up to the old colonial Dutch house, maybe 5 miles up the canal, goofed around on the bridge and floating dock, and were heading back at a pretty good clip. Colors are pretty spectacular this time of year, and the wild-life too. "Papa, whoa!!" she says. "What whoa?!" I am not grasping what she is looking at. Three-point buck drinking from the canal jumps across the trail right in front of us. For the next mile we biked quietly, trying to get a good shot (with the camera, I mean), but it's hard to take pictures through the dense undergrowth. Then we realized that we are in New Jersey, where deer are just a more edible version of squirrel and probably more plentiful, so I pocketed the camera and we headed back .

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